Got a new ream of neon pink paper, for making zines.
I’m thinking of using them for covers or 1 page zines (like seen above).
Author, poet
Got a new ream of neon pink paper, for making zines.
I’m thinking of using them for covers or 1 page zines (like seen above).
I make zines, postcards, stickers. Basically I do paper-arts and also draw and paint. I do photography too, but I haven’t taken out my Nikon dSLR cameras in a while. I actually dabble all kinds of art, but I can’t remember it all.
I published a poetry book. it’s called, Emoticon Poetry. It’s sold on Amazon, and maybe a few independent bookstores have it too.
These are some of the postcards I made:
(Above) Zine-format postcards.
The top card has a drawing of a train on one side and an excerpt on the other from my Berlin zine.
The other two have a photo I took on one side, and a poem in Blackletter font on the other side. They are poems about my trips to Germany.
(Above) This is a postcard I had made with an illustrated self-portrait. on the back it’s supposed to say “merry winter” as a greeting in several languages.
(Above right) I had about 1,000 or 1,500 stickers printed in 2016. They are about 2.5 inches on each side and have my website “camellia kalra .com” printed over a selfie.
To the left of that, I printed about 1,500 2-inch square stickers that say “sinensis” over a photo of me at 5 years old. My name is Camellia and Camellia Sinensis is the Latin name of the tea plant that we get black, white and green tea from. Sinensis is my music alias.
I’m just starting out in music, and it’s experimental electronic music. My music is on Spotify.
I printed the stickers through Sticker Robot. They have super high quality stickers, and do bulk orders effortlessly, and have great communication.
(Above) these are portraits I did in August and September 2020. They are for the Fanminnetastic website. The portraits are of the members of the Fanminnetastic zine collective. I used the self portrait of myself for the winter postcard.
(Above) These are drawings created with water-based markers on transparency film, used for overhead projectors. They are normally layered on top of each other to create a chaotic final image, as if looking at a room of people quickly, or hearing multiple people having conversations at the same time.
So I got my new book, Emoticon Poetry out on Amazon, BarnesandNoble.com, etc.! Buy it today, it makes a great gift!
R and I are planning a sculpture to build, and she basically put me in charge of securing funding… it’s hilarious, but I always end up in these situations with her, where I am the one doing all the paperwork for our planned mischief.
Now I have to deal with that.
just a lazy day…
made a batch of cold brew coffee.
excited! mew!